Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Old Doha

Yesterday, I took a ride to Al Zubarah, it is an old fort which was there to protect a trading village on the Persian Gulf. It is not so much that the place was ancient; it was only 200 years old. It felt ancient because 200 years ago people were diving for pearls and hand digging their wells 10 meters down through limestone. One picture is a diving stone used to weigh down a diver to get to the oysters faster.

This morning, the police were on a horseback patrol in front of my hotel and I salient to the Souk (Market) for a shoe repair. A Pakistani man sat in front of his stall on a rug. He re-stitched the entire sole in both for 8 Qatari Real.


  1. I keep adding 8 to the clock so I know what time it is in Doha. Xo.

    1. Me too, although I thought it was 12 hours! Fascinating pictures.
