Thursday, November 1, 2018

The International Conference on Universal Religion and Education

While in Varanasi, I will be participating in conference - the International Conference on Universal Religion and Education at Banares Hindu University. Talk about being in over your head! This conference is truly the deep end of the pool for me.
Today, I am writing about why I am going to the conference. I left the Bedford School District after 15 years, and it is time for me to broaden my understanding of education and of the world. I had the privilege of helping open Bedford’s high school. We chose to adopt the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program which helped our students strive for a more global perspective. At the same time, all of my experience has been in the American school system. I need to understand more about the world beyond my lived experience.
That is what brought me this conference. Tomorrow I will write about the American perspective I plan to share at the conference.


  1. Chip, I would love to know about their perspective on trust in schools. If you can ask, I’d be thrilled to hear their view!
