Monday, November 5, 2018

Spraying my clothes with Permethrin; Taking my Malaria pills

So I did two more things to get ready for the trip to Varanasi today.
  1. I sprayed the clothes for the trip with Permethrin. They are drying out in the garage now. I am told it will help with mosquitoes and other biting bugs. I checked and it was 92 degrees Fahrenheit today in Varanasi so I think the bugs will be a lot more active there than here in Nashua.
  2. I started my Malaria medicine - Atovaquone. I have to take it before, during and after the trip. 
Yowzaa! I am already out of my comfort zone and I do not leave for four more days! I think I should also have a gin and tonic with lime just in case. The quinine as extra Malaria protection and the lime juice to ward off rickets. 


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I think the G&T is a great idea, can’t wait to read about your travels. Be well, my friend.

  3. Have the G&T. Can never have enough protection!
